Tuesday, February 6, 2007

You are being used.

On January 27, 2007, Murdoch admitted to to Charlie Rose (at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland), "We [News Corp./Fox News] basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East."

• Rupert Murdoch owns (pwns) News Corp.
• News Corp. owns (pwns) MySpace.com

If your believe in democracy... and you demand to live in a free, balanced democratic society...

• Boycott MySpace.com.
• MySpace.com is worth US$10 Billion - because of YOU.
• You CAN make a difference.
• Boycott MySpace.com.
• Show Rupert Murdoch who pwns whom!

Seriously folks... Go and get another profile page. There are tons of social networking sites out there. I am not going to tell you which one to choose. But I will let you know that MySpace.com is controlled my Rupert Murdoch. And Rupert Murdoch owns News Corp. And News Corp. has direct control over FOX News.

FOX News ADMITS to ACTIVELY supporting the Bush Administration's political policies.

And yes... I realize that we, as Americans, are granted the freedom of speech.

We, AMERICANS have thr right to free speech! But corporations may not lie. Corporations may not report inaccuracies. Corporations may NOT manipulate the facts to mislead its shareholders NOR customers. American Corporations must report facts. American Corporations must report the facts, clearly. American Corporations MUST tell the truth!

1. FOX News has NOT been reporting facts.
2. FOX News has NOT been reporting truth.
3. FOX News has been (now, admittedly) supporting a "partisan political policy".

FOX News has been knowingly (mis)leading America by mis-stating, misrepresenting and "spinning" facts to suite a self-serving corporate agenda (the Bush Administration allows Australian-born Murdoch to buy and control American media companies if Murdoch "supported the Bush policy".

•FOX News (owned by an foreign-born media mogul) is un-American.
•FOX News has been operating illegally.
•FOX News has been lying to America.
•FOX News is anti-democratic.
•FOX News is un-American.
•News Corp. is un-American.
•Rupurt Murdoch is un-American.
•Rupurt Murdoch is anti-democratic.
•Rupurt Murdoch has been lying to America.
•Rupurt Murdoch has been manipulating the news.
•Rupurt Murdoch has been manipulating you.

1. Rupurt Murdoch owns MySpace.com.
2. MySpace.com is worth US$10 Billion - because of YOUR CREATIVE & SOCIAL ACTIVITY.
3. Boycott MySpace.com.
4. Boycott Rupurt Murdoch.
5. Find a new, American social network.
6. Show Rupurt Murdoch who owns whom!

Say NO to Rupurt Murdoch.
Say NO to big media.

ACTION IS AMERICAN: Tear down your MySpace.com profile today!

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